Innovative learning for forward thinking professionals

Our unique programmes provide you with cutting-edge content, a flexible learning environment and meaningful support. We deliver tailored training and professional development on site, online or in hybrid format. We provide training at your place for teams and groups, personalised learning paths for individuals plus our innovative programme for new public relations and communication practitioners (which is deliberately designed to break a few boundaries) 

Learning to break boundaries - delivered to your door

Custom sessions designed and delivered to build your team capabilities
Personalised learning to develop individual skill sets
Transform your new practitioners into future-focused professionals

On site sessions

We guide individuals through a personalised and curated learning pathway - delivered at your place or through an exclusive online session 

Personalised learning 

Personalised learning pathways for you or individual staff members to focus on specific skills and capabilities delivered online

New practitioners

Send us your new practitioners - we'll send you back emerging leaders with top class skills. Our twelve week training programme will build their capability and equip them for future practice.
All our courses are designed to provide you with the skills necessary to become a well-informed, forward-thinking and capable professional.
They will provide you with an in-depth look at the latest approaches and thinking and help you to formulate your own unique path to success.
Custom training - on site or online

First we listen

Looking for new ways for you and your team to learn and develop? Our training blends human insight and technology to provide the best offering for professional learners.

Then we help you learn

We start by listening and understanding what you need – tell us your training challenges. Then we work with you to determine the learning outcomes you are looking for, either to your own brief or informed by a detailed training needs analysis we can undertake on your behalf.

Custom training designed for you by experts

We are experts at the design and facilitation of all types of training – in person at your offices or chosen venue, online in a virtual training environment or one-to-one coaching and mentoring

Our subject expertise is extensive and directs learners towards future skills and opportunities. We place significant emphasis on learning design and incorporate styles that engage your team and equip them to put their new knowledge to work as soon as the training concludes.

  • Training needs analysis
  • Skills and capabilities to use immediately
  • User Centered
  • Creative and enjoyable

We can help you develop your team capabilities - contact us direct and we'll let you know how

Thank you!

Flexible delivery

We're masters of delivery - in person, online or hybrid sessions. Let us know which works for you and we can design something that is right for you.

Training materials

Our training materials have been specifically designed to be engaging and informative. Our courses are easy to follow, and use a mix of text, images, AI powered digital guides, audio and videos.
Pathways to support individuals

Everyone needs a little extra support from time to time

We have trained thousands of people over the years and sometimes, a traditional course or workshop session is not what's needed. If you have a colleague who needs one-to-one support in an area of practice, we can arrange individual sessions for them to help develop their capability - and confidence. Get in touch and we can discuss what's needed and when.

Champion New Starters - build the future

We're championing capability development for beginners and new entrants to the sector. Anyone starting their journey in public relations and communication management will benefit from this eight week course but we are hoping business owners, communication directors and anyone else with a budget and good heart will sign up some brand new, straight-out-of-school talent. Someone who would not otherwise have access to professional or tertiary education but who would make a great practitioner. This way we can cut straight to improving diversity and inclusion in a profession that has a lot of catching up to do. Think of it as a PR Padawan Pathway. You employ a young apprentice, we teach them to use the power and possibility of our work for good.  Delivered online to a small cohort with live sessions, great resources and practical exercises, this course will give your new starter a rock-solid foundation on which to build their career. Next series begins August 2024 - contact us for more details and get your new person lined up for a brilliant beginning.
Write your awesome label here.

Live online sessions each week

Eight weeks of bite-size learning
Next series scheduled for mid-August 2024 
90 minutes live online each week

Readings and resources

Resources, readings and signposts to support each live session


Weekly challenges and practical assignments to build skills,  develop capability and improve confidence


Award presented on successful completion of course and assignments
Participants will have new skills and insights ready to apply after each session
Develop core skills and capabilities

In case you are wondering...

Are your courses regularly updated?

Absolutely. We are committed to creating and continuously improving effective learning resources. Our courses deliver learning opportunities for practitioners at all stages of their career - new starters to senior professionals.

Do I get a certificate for your online courses?

Indeed you do. You will receive a Certificate of  Completion for an online course as soon as you have marked all units as completed and you have completed any assessments that may be included. When a learning pathway is successfully completed, a Certificate of Capability is awarded.

What if I have more questions that are not answered here? 

Then get in touch with us today - email us at or use the contact form you can find here.